

Most miraculous organ. Phrenology, the assessment of a subject's mental faculties by the study of the external conformation of the cranium. A phrenologist amazed by the head of his subject. Cartoon by Robert Seymour (1800-1836) at the height of the craze for phrenology. On the wall is a picture of Franz Joseph Gall (1757-1828) one of the founders of the science. Lithograph.

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Most miraculous organ.  Phrenology, the assessment of a subject's mental faculties by the study of the external conformation of the cranium. A phrenologist amazed by the head of his subject. Cartoon by Robert Seymour (1800-1836) at the height of the craze for phrenology.  On the wall is a picture of Franz Joseph Gall (1757-1828) one of the founders of the science. Lithograph.