

Five senses. Man entertained by the Five Senses. Sight holding mirror, accompanied by eagle (eagle-eyed): Taste with basket of fruit: Smell offering scented flowers and accompanied by a bloodhound: Tpuch touching him as he touches dish: Hearing, playing a lute. Copperplate engraving by Adrian Collaert (1520-1570) after Adam van Oert.

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Recently uploaded historical photos 5
Five senses. Man entertained by the Five Senses. Sight holding mirror, accompanied by eagle (eagle-eyed): Taste with basket of fruit: Smell offering scented flowers and accompanied by a bloodhound: Tpuch touching him as he touches dish: Hearing, playing a lute. Copperplate engraving by Adrian Collaert (1520-1570) after Adam van Oert.